Cash Flow as a Service

 Make Better Underwriting Decisions

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    Cash Flow as a Service

    The cash flow statement is a key performance indicator (KPI) to determine if a company is a good fit for your lending services since it not only shares vital information about their business but also helps to get a good sense of its financial health. LendFoundry’s LOS platform provides an automated "Cashflow Service" which works on transactions obtained from service providers or even manual uploads of bank statements in CSV format. This service powers comprehensive analysis of transactions and helps measure the ability of a borrower to generate & maintain cash.
    Make quicker, better underwriting decisions by leveraging LendFoundry's "Cashflow as a Service"!

    Cash Flow as a Service

    Our Features

    One of the innovative startups which serves as a Universal Points Platform leverages LendFoundry's Cash Flow services to power their platform to enable Instant-Bank Verification (IBV) and Balance Check to help mitigate potential NSF fees.

    • Seamless Integration with service providers & also the ability to handle manual bank statements upload.
    • Cashflow Computations and Transaction Analysis across various time periods performed as per tenant specs.
    • Key Computations which provides a basis for offer generation for the borrower.
    • Continuous monitoring of Cashflow Data which would save the lenders from the potential risk of default.
    • Repository for reference to historical transactions and Recurring Transactions Identification.
    • Transactional Summarization to identify NSF, Overdrafts, Payroll, Loan Payments etc.