Custom API Integrations

100% Customizable to your needs

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    API Integration

    LendFoundry’s products are not developed on top of third party platforms such as some of the other competing platforms that are built from SalesForce technologies. We developed all of our technology from the ground up based on micro service architecture design that every function is callable and deployable without interrupting rest of the platform and therefore by definition, ensuring a perpetual up time. Because our technology is developed from the ground up, we are able to integrate with any data vendors and platforms with ease.

    API Gateway

    Our Features

    Our platform is built with micro service architecture in mind.

    • Our system is by definition flexible with 100% uptime, every service can be updated and upgraded with rest of the system running without hindrance.
    • And because our system is built grounds up, we can optimize every part of our platform for speed and scalability.