Category: Alternative Lending
July 9, 2020
What is Alternative Credit Scoring & Why is it So Popular?
In the finance and banking industry, lenders prefer thick credit files. The thicker the files, with more historical data about the applicants' borrowing history, better are their chances of getting their loan sanctioned, and if they have a good score, they even stand to get[...]
June 6, 2019
How Blockchain Is Changing The Alternative Lending Landscape?
Blockchain, Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Fintech have been buzzwords in the fintech world for quite a few years now. What each of these technological disruptions has gained on their own merit versus what they can gain when they work in tandem is an entirely different story[...]
May 23, 2019
Finding the Best Alternative Lending Option for Your Business
Keeping your business well-oiled with funding is one of the most important criteria to having a successful business. Starting a business using the initial fund is only the first step. Till the time business owners break even and figure out the working capital requirement, they[...]
April 25, 2019
Alternative SME Lending Solutions Emerging Trends
SMEs form an important part in the growth of emerging economies. As per a World Bank report, formal SMEs provide close to 60 percent of the total employment and contribute close to 40 percent of the GDP in developing countries. These percentages shoot up, as[...]
March 21, 2019
The Best Way To Fund Your Business in 2019
Funding a new business or for that matter an established one, too, is not an easy task. With startups mushrooming and growing, worldwide, there has been a marked increase in demand of startup, as well as, SME funding, globally. While entrepreneurs have a number of[...]
March 7, 2019
Brief History of Lending Innovations
Finance, or rather funding, has been an integral part of any civilization, since the beginning of time. Whether it was through barter or indigenous lenders, funding has played a major role in each and every part of the world. This is also the reason why;[...]