Category: Fintech Innovation
June 21, 2018
How India Stack is Impacting Lending and Changing Digital Landscape
What is India Stack India stack provides digital infrastructure i.e. a set of APIs to link consumers (people of India) and producers (Indian government, start-ups, developers etc). As part of the Digital India initiative by the Indian government 'India Stack'strives to solve India’s hard problems[...]
May 24, 2018
Data Privacy and Digital Lending
Lately, there have been 2 issues around the digital data privacy that have been doing rounds in the media – Facebook and Cambridge Analytica Indian Elections and Cambridge Analytica Superficially they look like they are disconnected since one is a social platform and second[...]
March 29, 2018
Payment Innovations in FinTech
The payment landscape has experienced a significant change over the past decade globally. With the rapid evolution of mobile commerce and online payments, many new modes of payments like E-wallets, in-app purchasing, P2P payments have come into the market. This change in payment landscape is[...]