Category: LMS

February 11, 2021

Why Should You Use A Cloud-Based Loan Origination and Loan Servicing Platform?

Automation and cloud computing have brought in a whirlwind of change globally and the financial services industry is no exception. As such, traditional banks and lenders all over the world are now looking to adopt and implement these disruptive technologies to boost their efficiency and[...]

February 9, 2021

Seamless Loan Management Made Possible with LendFoundry

Effective loan management stands as a critical factor for lenders seeking to maintain a competitive edge and deliver a seamless experience to borrowers. Recognizing this imperative, LendFoundry steps into the forefront with its cutting-edge loan management platform, introducing a paradigm shift in the way lenders[...]

March 20, 2020

Revolutionizing Loan Management: How LendFoundry Simplifies the Process

The lending industry is evolving rapidly, thanks to the emergence of peer-to-peer lending and online marketplaces. These new models of lending offer faster, easier, and more convenient ways to access loans, challenging the traditional lending processes. To keep up with this change, lenders need a[...]