Loan Migration to a New Loan Management System: Your Guide

Moving loan portfolios to a new loan servicing system is difficult and can be a big problem for banks and companies. However, you can streamline and execute the process successfully with a structured approach and careful planning.

In this guide, we'll outline the key steps to streamline the process of loan migration to a new loan management system. Before we start the steps, let's first know the main difficulties of moving loans to a new system.

Top 8 Challenges of Loan Migration to a New Loan Management System

8 challenges of loan migration

Data Inconsistency: Differences in data structures between the old and new systems might lead to inconsistencies, requiring extensive data cleansing.

Data Loss: Some data may need to migrate properly or might be inadvertently omitted during the process.

Data Duplication: There could be instances where the same data is replicated, leading to redundancy and potential errors.

Large Data Volumes: The sheer volume of data being transferred can be daunting, making the process time-consuming and prone to errors.

Complex Business Rules: Loans often have intricate business rules associated with them. Ensuring that these rules are consistently applied in the new system can be challenging.

Custom Fields and Features: The previous system might have had custom fields or features tailored to specific needs. These may not readily exist in the new system and might require custom development.

Legacy Data Issues: Older systems may contain outdated, unused, or even corrupted data. Deciding what to migrate and what to archive can be a challenge.

Testing Challenges: Ensuring that the migrated data works as expected in the new environment will require comprehensive testing, which can be time-consuming.

To overcome these challenges, we must plan carefully and need to work together as teams. It is important to ensure accurate and reliable data when moving loans to a new loan management system. Now, let's move on to the key steps to streamline the loan migration process.

Key Steps to Streamline the Loan Migration to a New Loan Management System

Key Steps to Streamline the Loan Migration

  1. Clearly define the Migration Strategy: One of the first and most critical steps in the process of loan migration to a new loan management system is to define a clear migration strategy. Begin by categorizing data into "must-have" and "good-to-have" categories. Consider whether you need historical data for loan servicing and borrower communication, or if it's primarily for historical reporting purposes.
    Determine if individual transaction details are necessary, or if a snapshot of the data will suffice. Your strategy may also differ based on loan status, such as active, charged-off, paid-off, closed loans, or other criteria. Getting support from all stakeholders, including IT teams, end-users, analysts, and management, is crucial for the success of the migration.
  1. Create a Plan: Create a detailed plan with steps, timelines, and responsibilities for each phase of the migration process after defining your migration strategy. A good plan is crucial for keeping the loan migration to a new loan management system on track. It ensures that all team members know their roles and deadlines.
  1. Setup LendFoundry: If you setup LendFoundry for your loan migration to a new loan management system needs, you can collaborate with our experts. They will help you customize the system to fit your current loan arrangements. You can configure multiple products in LendFoundry and clearly identify migrated loans, if necessary, to maintain clarity throughout the migration process.
  1. Data Mapping: Create a plan to map data from the old system to the fields of the new system. This step ensures consistency and compatibility between the systems. Be prepared to update your strategy for data that may not exist in the old system or is corrupted, but requires a loan migration to a new loan management system.
  1. Data Extraction, Cleanup, and Validation: First, get the necessary data from the old system. Clean and validate it carefully to make sure it's accurate and complete before moving it to the new system. This requires the data team on the lender’s side to extract the data and perform sanity.
  1. Data Security: Implement stringent security measures to protect sensitive data during the migration. Security should be a top priority to ensure that borrower information remains confidential throughout the process.
  1. Test: LendFoundry will set up a dedicated testing environment to validate data migration and system functionality before migrating live loans. Migrate loans using APIs and thoroughly test them, comparing the results against your existing system. Be prepared to recalibrate your migration strategy and orchestration based on the test results.
  1. Migration: You can create migration scripts yourself or with the LendFoundry experts. Test and adjust loan scripts in small groups before performing loan migration to a new system for management. Depending on the volume of data the migration may take a few hours or even more.
    LendFoundry can provide infrastructure boosts to expedite the process. Continuous real-time monitoring and a support team should be available to address any unexpected challenges.
  1. Validation: Automated scripts can check the migrated data using LendFoundry's data export. Identify key data points such as loan balances, payments, etc., and create the script(s) to compare these in both systems. Teams should promptly address and resolve any discrepancies identified collaboratively.
  1. User Training: Train staff to be comfortable and skilled with the new system through comprehensive training.


To perform loan migration to a new loan management system, plan carefully, test thoroughly, and communicate clearly with everyone involved. You can simplify the process and transition smoothly to the new system. You have two options: handle it internally or rely on the expertise of the LendFoundry team. With careful execution, you can overcome the challenges and enjoy the benefits of an efficient loan management system.

LendFoundry uses cloud technology and microservices to help FinTechs create and deliver big apps quickly and easily. We have invested very significantly in Kubernetes, and other Cloud technologies to deliver a cloud-native, API-first, microservices-based digital lending technology platform for loan origination and servicing.

To learn more about our services and offerings and get the acceleration your FinTech business needs, please do contact us.

  • October 11, 2023