LendFoundry Migration Guide: Seamlessly Transitioning Your In-House System to LendFoundry

Navigating the complexities of loan origination and servicing poses challenges, particularly with outdated or in-house systems. LendFoundry presents a holistic loan origination and servicing system, alleviating complexities and heightening operational efficiency. Transitioning from your existing system to LendFoundry demands a methodical approach, hence, we've developed a comprehensive guide outlining each phase of the migration process.

Efficiency and accuracy are pivotal in loan management, and LendFoundry addresses these needs adeptly. Our comprehensive solution caters to diverse loan types while enhancing workflow efficacy. This guide offers a step-by-step roadmap, ensuring a seamless transition. It covers aspects like data migration, system integration, staff training, and post-migration support to guarantee a hassle-free adoption of LendFoundry. By embracing our systematic migration guide, lenders can maximize the benefits of our cutting-edge platform, ultimately optimizing their loan processes while fostering growth and customer satisfaction.

13 steps to migrate your In-house system to Lendfoundry

Step 1: Assessment and Evaluation

Before diving into the migration process, it's crucial to thoroughly assess your current in-house system and identify its pain points and limitations. This will help you establish clear goals for success after moving to LendFoundry. Take the time you need to understand LendFoundry's features and capabilities to ensure they align with your company's specific requirements. Our sales team is always happy to assist you in this process.

Step 2: Discovery Meetings

Once you've signed up with LendFoundry, our Product Management Team will schedule a series of discovery meetings with your stakeholders. These meetings will serve to gather in-depth knowledge of your business, key business challenges, teams, as-is processes, and any pain points you may be experiencing.

To facilitate the discovery process, our Product Team has developed a detailed Discovery Document template. This template will be used to guide interviews with your key stakeholders and capture various items essential for enabling a successful migration to LendFoundry. The LendFoundry team will manage this document, updating it based on the discovery meetings and their recommendations. This live document will be shared with you at all times for transparency and collaboration.

The Discovery Document will cover various aspects of the implementation, including tenant setup, loan application, consents, notifications, role and access control, third-party integrations, approval processes, third-party data providers, agreements and documents, reminders, and more. It will also capture details for loan products, amortizations and schedules, payment reminders, ACH formats, and other relevant loan-related information.

Once the Discovery Document is complete, your team will have the opportunity to review and sign it off, confirming the agreed-upon scope of implementation.

Step 3: Data Migration Planning

Migrating data from your current system to LendFoundry can be a complex task, but our Product and Data teams are here to help. We offer guidance to our clients to optimize the migration process, identifying must-have, nice-to-have, and best-to-avoid data elements. This approach ensures that the migration effort remains manageable and cost-effective while maintaining a quick time to market and enabling a smooth transition to LendFoundry.

Key steps in the data migration planning process include:

  • Identifying all relevant data to be migrated: This includes borrower information, loan data, historical records, and other relevant data points.
  • Establishing a shared objective for migration: Define clear goals for the migration process, such as ensuring outstanding balances match, DPD (Days Past Due) match, and payment history is accurately transferred.
  • Deciding whether to migrate closed loans or only active ones: Determine if migrating closed loans is necessary or if the focus should be on active loans only.
  • Obtaining LendFoundry's data migration templates: LendFoundry will provide templates for sharing data securely and efficiently.
  • Cleansing and formatting data: Ensure that data is clean and formatted correctly to match LendFoundry's data structure.
  • Establishing a data migration strategy and timeline: Develop a comprehensive strategy and timeline to minimize downtime and ensure a smooth migration process.

Once the data migration is complete, thorough testing will be conducted to compare the onboarded loans with the existing system. LendFoundry will match the loans against the provided data to ensure accuracy and consistency.

Step 4: Customization and Configuration

Based on the signed-off Discovery Document, our implementation team will configure the LendFoundry platform to align with your specific business needs. This includes configuring loan products, interest rates, eligibility criteria, and other relevant settings to match your existing offerings.

Step 5: Integration Requirements

Evaluate whether there is a need to integrate LendFoundry with other existing systems in your technology stack, such as CRM (Customer Relationship Management) or accounting software. If integrations are necessary, communicate your requirements clearly to the LendFoundry team so they can facilitate seamless data flow and ensure compatibility.

Step 6: Credentials for 3rd Party Data Providers

If you utilize third-party data providers for credit checks, verifications, or other services, you will need to share your development credentials with the LendFoundry team. These credentials will allow LendFoundry to establish connections with your third-party providers and integrate their data seamlessly into the platform.

In cases where you already have existing relationships with these third-party providers, you will likely already possess the necessary credentials. However, if you are establishing new relationships with third-party providers, LendFoundry may already have existing partnerships and can facilitate introductions and the sign-up process.

Step 7: User Acceptance Testing (UAT)

Before officially launching LendFoundry within your organization, it's crucial to conduct thorough User Acceptance Testing (UAT). This involves testing LendFoundry's features, including loan origination and servicing processes, to ensure they meet your business requirements and expectations.

During the UAT phase, your team will carefully test the platform's functionality, identify any potential issues or bugs, and report them to the LendFoundry team for resolution. Addressing these issues promptly will prevent them from hindering the successful launch and adoption of LendFoundry.

The UAT process typically involves the following steps:

  • Develop a UAT plan: The UAT plan should outline the scope of testing, the test cases to be executed, and the acceptance criteria for each test case.
  • Create test scripts: Test scripts provide step-by-step instructions for executing the test cases.
  • Execute test cases: Your team will execute the test cases and document their findings.
  • Report bugs: Any bugs or issues identified during testing should be reported to the LendFoundry team for resolution.
  • Retest bugs: Once bugs have been fixed, your team will retest them to ensure they have been resolved correctly.
  • Sign off on UAT: Once all bugs have been resolved and the platform meets your acceptance criteria, your team will sign off on UAT.

By conducting a thorough UAT, you can help ensure that LendFoundry is ready for production and will meet your organization's needs.

Step 8: User Training and Adoption

Once LendFoundry has successfully passed UAT, it's time to train your team on how to use the platform. This training should be comprehensive and cover all aspects of the platform, from loan origination to servicing. You can also provide additional resources, such as cheat sheets and FAQs, to help your team quickly become proficient in using LendFoundry.

To ensure a smooth transition and successful adoption of LendFoundry, consider these tips:

  • Schedule training sessions for all relevant staff members: Give your team ample time to learn the platform and ask questions.
  • Encourage team members to use the platform: Encourage your team to use LendFoundry in their day-to-day work. This will help them get comfortable with the platform and identify any potential issues.
  • Address any concerns or questions: Be available to answer your team's questions and address any concerns they may have about using LendFoundry.
  • Foster a culture of open communication: Encourage open communication between your team and the LendFoundry team. This will help ensure that any issues are identified and resolved promptly.

Step 9: Pilot Program (Optional)

Consider running a pilot program with a small subset of users to validate the platform's performance and gather feedback. This can help identify any potential issues before they impact the entire organization.

Step 10: Communication and Change Management

Throughout the migration process, it's crucial to keep all stakeholders informed about the progress. This includes providing regular updates on the timeline, milestones, and any potential challenges.

Additionally, develop a change management plan to address potential resistance and facilitate a smooth transition to LendFoundry. This plan should include communication strategies, training materials, and support resources.

Step 11: Backup and Contingency Plan

Before initiating the migration, it's essential to back up all data from your current in-house system. This will ensure that you have a recovery plan in case of any unforeseen issues.

Additionally, develop a contingency plan in case of any unexpected downtime or disruptions during the migration process.

Step 12: Go-Live and Post-Migration Support

Once the migration is complete, schedule a go-live date and finalize any remaining tasks.

After go-live, your team will have access to LendFoundry's Customer Success Manager. The Customer Success Manager will provide ongoing support and training to help your team get the most out of the platform.

Step 13: Ongoing Support and Collaboration

Maintain regular communication with the LendFoundry team to discuss ongoing support, updates, and improvements. This will ensure that your organization continues to get the most value out of LendFoundry.



By following these steps, you can ensure a successful migration to LendFoundry and empower your organization to leverage its advanced loan origination and loan servicing capabilities. Remember that each migration may have unique requirements, so it's essential for you and LendFoundry to work closely together throughout the process.

At LendFoundry, we recognize the significance of efficiency and accuracy in loan management. Our platform, designed to streamline operations and optimize workflow efficacy, caters to diverse loan types while enhancing operational efficiency.

Our commitment extends beyond the migration process, providing ongoing support, collaboration, and post-migration assistance. By partnering with LendFoundry, lenders embark on a journey toward enhanced operational efficiency and sustainable growth in the dynamic landscape of loan management. Experience the transformation with LendFoundry, where every step is a stride toward excellence and success.

  • November 29, 2023